Wild Life Garden Projects
2023 – 4th April – Work in the Wildlife Garden.
4th APRIL 2023 We start to work in the Wildlife Garden. It is a beautiful sunny spring day and the year's work starts in the Wildlife Garden. HOWEVER when we arrive we see that the mallards have been to work before us. One nest is tucked under the hedge, hopefully...
2023 -18th March – Free trees from the Book Cycle.
MARCH 2023 At the start of the month I applied to The BOOK CYCLE for some free fruit trees. We were allocated five trees and went to the BOOK CYCLE at Beechhill on 18th March to collect them. We got three plum trees and two apple trees and on the next work morning,...
2023 -14th March – Work on the Wildlife Garden.
THE GARDEN GANG have been hibernating through the winter. We have met up several times to drink coffee and plan what we will do in 2023. Once the new year arrived we used any 'Good Weather' days to start on these plans. The first thing we plan to do is prune all the...
2020 -September – Huge plant grows near pond.
2020 -Gunnera Flowers. Some years ago we found this plant thrown into a skip. We knew it liked wet conditions and so we planted it in the bed next to the pond. This year it has grown and flowered and we are so glad we rescued it. It is magnificent. We just hope we can...
July 2020 – An Owl arrives in the garden!
JULY 2020 One day when we were working in the Wildlife Garden a man arrived and asked if we would like an owl! We discovered he had carved a beautiful owl and he fixed it to a tree stump next to the Bug Hotel. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL GIFT.
2020- End of Lock down – What does the garden look like?
Once the lock down had been lifted we could return to the Wildlife Garden as long as we obeyed the " keep your distance" rules. We found that the garden was looking very green and overgrown but it still looked beautiful. If you click on a photo below you will be able...
COVID Lock down ends and the site reopens.
The lock downs may be over but Covid is still about. People are allowed into the site but are asked to abide by certain rules to help stop the spread of Covid. The Friends of Three Sisters return to their gardening. We are out in the fresh air and are keeping well...
2019 – 23rd May – What is flowering in the Wildlife Garden?
23rd. May 2019. The garden is bursting into bloom. Here are some of the plants flowering this week. Aqualigia, forget-me-nots, erisimum, allium, marigolds, buttercups. All goods for insects. If you click on any of the photos below you will be able to see larger...
2019 – Sad farewell to two Friends.
2019 We are very sad that two of the founder members of The Friends of Three Sisters have died. Peter Browne was our Treasurer for many years and Vic Greenwood was our Chair. They will both be greatly missed.